Kher: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1:
[[Chitro:Dwellings of different countries.jpg|upright=1.0|thumb|but Khera]]
Ekh '''kher''' (vai '''khǎr''') si ekh than kai beshen thai jiven le manusha, kerdo te garuvel len katar [[brishind]], [[balval]], [[tatipen]], [[shil]] vai biamala. Si les zidurya (pashavre), uchhardo thai ekh vai buteder livnya (kherkotora, sobe, besharnya). Les si les ekh vai buteder udara, pale varesave purane khera (sar kai [[Chatalhöyük]]) labyarden uchharde thai shopnya te den andre. Vi si les dikhavne (filyastre) te del andre o [[Kham]]esko dud thai te dikhel pes avri.