I Chon (Sanskritikanes: Chandra; simbol: ☾) si o korkoro Chonopaskero la Phuvyaki.

Chhon ☾
E chhon sar dikhel pes tar e Phuv
E chhon sar dikhel pes tar e Phuv

E chhon sar dikhel pes tar e Phuv

Orbitake gina
Orbitako truyalimos 2,413,402 km
(0.016 AU)
Eccentricity 0.0554
Perigee 363,104 km
(0.0024 AU)
Apogee 405,696 km
(0.0027 AU)
Revolution period

(Sidereal period)

27.321 66155 d
(27 d 7 h 43.2 min)
Sinodik periyoda 29.530 588 d
(29 d 12 h 44.0 min)
Avg. Orbital Speed 1.022 km/s
Max. Orbital Speed 1.082 km/s
Min. Orbital Speed 0.968 km/s
Inclination varies between
28.60° and 18.30°
(5.145 396° to ecliptic)
see below
Longitude of the
ascending node
1 revolution in 18.6 years
Argument of perigee progressing,
1 revolution in 8.85 years
Satellito la Phûv
Physical characteristics
Equatorial diameter 3,476.2 km[1]
(0.273 Earths)
Polar diameter 3,472.0 km
(0.273 Earths)
Oblateness 0.0012[2]
Surface area 3.793×107 km²
(0.074 Earths)
Volume 2.1958×1010 km³
(0.020 Earths)
Mass 7.347 673×1022 kg
(0.0123 Earths)
Mean density 3,346.2 kg·m−3
Equatorial gravity 1.622 m·s−2,
(0.1654 gee)
Escape velocity 2.38 km·s−1
Rotation period 27.321 661 d
Rotation velocity 16.655 km·h−1
(at the equator)
Axial tilt 1.5424° to ecliptic
see Orbit
Albedo 0.12
Magnitude -12.74
Surface temp.
min mean max
40 K 250 K 396 K
Bulk composition of the moon's

mantle and crust

estimated, weight percent
Oxygen 42.6 %
Magnesium 20.8 %
Silicon 20.5 %
Iron 9.9 %
Calcium 2.31 %
Aluminium 2.04 %
Nickel 0.472 %
Chromium 0.314 %
Manganese 0.131 %
Titanium 0.122 %
Atmospheric characteristics
Atmospheric pressure 3 × 10-13kPa
Helium 25 %
Neon 25 %
Hydrogen 23 %
Argon 20 %

Carbon dioxide


Dikh vi


Chhon (bersheski)

  1. Sikavno:Cite web
  2. Sikavno:Cite web