Sherutni patrin

Mishto avilyan ki Vikipidiya,
i mesti enchiklopidiya savya vi tu shai te lekhaves (xramosares) la.
8. deshtonai 2024, 20:13 UTC

Kashte janes mai but sar te das vast te baryol i Vikipidiya, drabar (chitisar) o sikavno.
Akana, andi Vlax Romani Vikipidiya si 779 lekha (artikolurya) so bariven.

Lasho lekh
Romani chib
I Romani Chib Vay Romane Rakhepen si yek indeski Chib andar i Indo-Ariyani familiya. Kathe si may pasharni le chibensa andar o mashkarutno grupo (Ovestuni Hindi, Gujarati, Bili, Kandesh, Rayengethem). Akana le diyalekturya si len but lava andar le gajikane vhibya tay avel nishte gramatikane ververimata. Vi si but roma so chi may phenen i chib.


Do you speak Vlax Romani? Help us to revive the Romani Vikipidiya! See Vikipidiya:Mishto avilyan and discuss the future of this project on Vikipidiya:Maladipnasko than.

